**please read before purchasing or reading on**





The Boomtown Your Business Course as originally sold via pre-order was a comprehensive marketing and branding course. At the completion that is still what it will be.


For now - only the branding module is finished. 

It's so packed full of education, helpful guides and actionable steps we didn't want this enrollment sale to go by without offering it to those who are interested.


Branding comes before marketing. If you purchase the Branding Course today you'll be offered the Marketing course when it's complete at a discounted price. So if marketing is what your business needs - START HERE. With Branding.

Use Code "FALL24" at checkout for 20% OFF!
See Details & Checkout

This webpage details the entire full course.

You will be purchasing the Branding Module Only!

So keep that in mind as you read.

Reference the checkout page for clarity on what deliverables you'll receive.

Full course will be sold at $1,400 or more (price depending on final course contents).

Fall Enrollment Sale Ends

Boomtown Your Business (Branding Only)

From the Boomtown Your Business Course learn to pull up your bootstraps and Brand Your Business. 

Save 20% OFF with code "FALL24"









See Details + Add to Your Cart

**This webpage outlines the Boomtown Your Business Course as a whole.**

Only the Branding Module is currently available.

If you don't have customers knocking down your door and you're struggling to stay busy – your marketing needs some work.

Boomtown Your Business will help you position yourself and your business so that clients are begging to get on your calendar and willing to pay you more because they trust you and want what You have to offer.

If you’re a tradesman, craftsman, artisan, contractor, service provider, shop owner, or alike who’s looking to market their products and services locally and you’re in the trenches and not sure where to start marketing your local business in person or online this course is for you!

A business that isn’t bringing in enough income will lead to burnout.

Plus you’re in business not just to make ends meet but to outdo what you could make working for someone else all while enjoying the benefits of flexibility and freedom that being your own boss allows.

But you aren’t free if you’re strapped for cash.
You need more clients and a more valuable brand!

As a small business with only a few employees or a one-man band – you must wear a lot of hats. What if I told you that if you brand your company right and market well you may not even have to service more clients a year but you can get paid MORE for the same work you’re already doing?

Have you ever thought any of these things before?


I wish I was better at telling people what we do and who we are.


I know we need to be online, but do I have the time or know-how?


I wish we had more potential customers coming in each month.

What if I gave you all the industry secrets to sharing your business and getting found aka more customers and/or more income?

What if you didn’t have to find a way to fit more physical work into your week but instead incorporated some smart marketing and your time invested into your business started to compound?

What if at the beginning of one month, you didn’t have to wonder how you’d pay next week's bills because you’re staring at a calendar that is 3 months booked out and you're humbled by the fact that your new clients are willing to wait on your services even though they’ve never personally met you before?

How would that feel? Pretty dang good I would imagine.

If this screams "That's Me" then you are just like us. And

Boomtown Your Business

Is the information and ways in which we righted our business and finally took a breath.

A sigh of relief. Because we saw that with proper branding and marketing our business could really be a business and could actually succeed for the long haul.
I invite you to join us for the ultimate “pick your brain” chat over a cup of coffee or whatever you drink (I’ll be having a Coke).
Where we become fast friends, I share everything I know and don’t gate keep anything because I can tell we’re kindred spirits and we have the same goals and come from the same place.  
We both know what it means to make something from nothing. So we’ll bootstrap our way to big opportunities together!

You started your business because you love what you do and you’re good at it. You know how to do it, but you need customers to buy your products or services.


And while it sounds simple enough – if it were easy common knowledge you would already be doing it!


The truth is: You have to get off this hamster wheel. It’s not sustainable. It’ll affect your health, your relationships, and ultimately the success of your business. 


It’s time to work smarter and quit playing defense.

It’s time to get on offense so

You can connect with your ideal customers and show them what work and quality you bring to the table.

What marketing can do that waiting on word of mouth to spread never will:

THE RIGHT PEOPLE for you and the quality you bring to the table. So you can serve less people better and make more money in return.

A PLAN set in motion so that you aren’t just waiting on happenstance. You’re showing up for your community and the future of your business.

BE KNOWN so that when the problem or product you have is in need everyone near you already knows you exist. The ultimate offensive move.

You need to find your ideal customer and your ideal customer wants to find you.


Newsflash: you don’t have to be a social media marketing guru or tech genius to get in front of your people. You just need to show up!


There are clients who are ready to:

– Support locally owned and operated businesses


– Happily invest in your products or services because you’re authentic and one of them


– Engage with you and your brand as a fixture in the community


– Jump on new offerings because they’ve finally found someone who’s offering exactly what your town has always needed more or better of!


– Instantly share exclusive discounts and promotions with their friends


– Pay you more than the next guy because they crave knowing and quality

If nobody shared about your business would anyone know about it?


Nobody can share your brand like you can.

If you’re used to waiting for people to come to you with hesitation to commit you need to

Brand Your Business & Market Your Offerings


So before you say that you’re too busy or don’t know. Are you going to continue to go home at the end of a day and dread doing the waiting and convincing all over again tomorrow?

Because nobody is coming to save you or the future of your business. 
That’s on you.

But you don’t have to stumble through the unknown alone.

This isn’t just adding one more thing to your to-do list. In fact, learning these tools from the course will save you hours of research and trial and error.

This is about the long run. You spend some time now to brand your business wonderfully and learn the basics of marketing so you can show her off like she deserves. 
Your time is worth something. You can either spend it treading water or invest it into your future.

the solution

Boomtown Your Business

I’ve packaged absolutely everything I’ve learned, tested, and seen in our business and friends' businesses together to share with you how you too can find your people and make more money doing what you’re good at.

I’ve always dreamed of owning a business but when I started my first many years ago I didn’t have a clue how to market and what it actually took to turn a hobby into an actual money-making business. I just knew how to work and knew I enjoyed offering an experience to other people. So I bought a course, went to a workshop, and started learning something new. Since that first failed business attempt I’ve refined my practices and learned practical ways to apply the education to my clients and community. We can now fully support our household income with our business alone.


The Boomtown Your Business Course uses the foundation of brilliant small-town spirited branding with the combination of local or in-person and online marketing to help you speak directly to your local customers or clients.

A no-nonsense guide to supercharge your marketing and branding practices

whether you're starting from zero or even if you’ve branded but are in over your head with getting going on marketing.

Get instance access to video modules, tech tutorials to add to your toolbox, downloadable guides, and lifetime access and updates.



Tech tutorials with all the templates, wheres and hows to add to your business owner toolbox



Video lessons and full course workbook to learn in whatever way works best for you



Downloadable guides, idealists, and templates to set you up for success



No-nonsense direct lessons on the go so you can learn whenever you have time wherever you are

The entire program is broken down into 4 easy to digest modules

Go from start to finish

or cherry-pick only what you need!


Branding That Feels Like A Small Town Friend

We will either start from zero teaching you everything you need to know about what makes a good brand or help you refine your current branding so you can step out on the right foot. We will break down the basics like creating a logo, picking your colors, and defining your ideal customer and then get into the nitty gritty of elevating your brand with photos, graphics, and the words you use.

  • I’ll teach you how to name anything with our Coin Drill.
  • Identify your ideal customer or client so you know how to speak and serve your people before you even meet them.
  • Words matter and our Authentic Elevator Method will refine the way you write and talk about your brand and have your ideal customer asking you to say more.
  • Create your own Brand Board so you never lose sight of your vision and your brand appears as constant and loyal as your favorite pet.
By the end of this module, you’ll have a clear understanding of what makes up a sell itself, small-town inspired brand, and confidently be able to refine your own to apply what you’ve learned.


Branding Module Available Now - CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS


Core Marketing Understanding

In this section, I’ll tell you everything I know about marketing do’s and don’ts and general ideas you could implement. You can chew on the meat and spit out the rest so that as we move into sections 3 & 4 you know what to focus on.

  • Our tried and true Marketing Resource List lets you know which materials are worth it and where to source them.
  • Test your business on our Loyalty Scale to see where your customers stand and how you can improve.
  • I’ll help you define Your PR Type so you’ll know what works for you so you can push the rest aside.
By the end of this section, you should know what marketing materials are must-haves for your business, know where you stand in your clients' eyes, and what types of marketing are best for you to focus on based on you and who your customers are.



The Traditional Marketing Upset

I’ll guide you through the new-age mystery of local marketing. You’ll learn what you can take from traditional marketing and when the World Wide Web comes into play.

  • Building on the foundation you’ve built up to this point the Community Integration Activation will set you up for success no matter the size of your town or your PR type.
  • Cringe free down to earth marketing tools that will make your family proud and send your profits soaring.
  • Successfully merge your in-person, local, and online presence for a seamless brand experience.
At the end of this module, you will be on your way to being welcomed with open arms by your community. I’ll share how all of these marketing practices melt together for a next-level client experience so you can serve your people well.



Local Online Marketing Mastery

So many people today are teaching a blanket approach for online marketing and while the basics are the same - the application for a local business is completely different. I learned this the hard way when I tried to transition from an all online audience to a fully local one. I’ll guide you through how to set yourself up online for local success. Everything from picking your platforms to developing your growth strategy.

  • Setting up the #1 business marketing account that drives sales and bookings (and it’s free) that many people don’t even know about.
  • Use our Key Content Method and Year Of Content to be confident and efficient with your online content from the jump
  • Take our Social Media Guru Master Checklist and set up your business anywhere online with confidence.
Website or not, by the end of this section you’ll be getting found online while you sleep! We’ll help you set up a pristine Facebook business page and you’ll be on your way with a content strategy that’ll have your future customers engaged and current customers raving.



To do something well you have to first understand the basics and the end goal. We’ll skip the stumbling first steps by laying a foundation of knowledge and then go in with a plan.


You’re too busy and your business is too important to gamble with. You will use our guides to organize your approach.



You’ve teed it up perfectly. Next, you’ll apply the practical actionable steps and get to work. And finally, your business will start to work for you and not just you working on it.


Straightforward Steps to 



But… what about the writing, designing, and tech?


Course Workbook

Knowing is great and a plan is a step in the right direction, but implementation is what moves the needle. The course workbook is filled with pages of exercises and space for you to brainstorm, finalize ideas and set into motion the application of what you learn.

Your Toolbox

Plug and Go Design Templates for a cloud-based design program that is easy to learn and use (step-by-step tutorial included).

Ideas For Days

The exact content idea list we’ve pulled from to amass over 40 Million views, 200K Followers, and hundreds or thousands of dollars in revenue 

Plus our content strategy keeps things simple, efficient, and effective


you are a


welder, plumber, electrician, builder, roofer, hvac technician, farmer, rancher, handyman, heavy equipment operator, concrete finisher, home inspector, fitness trainer, artist, hair stylist, doula, midwife, nanny, pet sitter, virtual assistant, designer, consultant, event planner, restauranter, chiropractor, dentist, chef, massage therapist, counselor, attorney, financial advisor, seamstress, cleaner, driver, stylist, organizer, photographer, tutor, painter, mechanic, accountant, tour guide, videographer, bartender, machine operator, line worker, veterinarian, trucker, and alike. 

you offer

welding, Land management, home building, IT systems, property management, catering, dry cleaning, electrical installation and repair, tailoring, concrete pour & finish, taxi, home cleaning, daycare, event venue, educational classes, tutoring, elder care, pet grooming, lawn care, painting, ac & heat installation and maintenance, animal care, plumbing, auto repair, plumbing installation and repair, appliance repair, bookkeeping, and similar

your brick and mortar store carries

food, Drinks, construction supplies, business products, tech gear, pet and large animal food & other products, home goods, niche lifestyle products, cleaning products, stationary, gifts, fabric, clothing, farm & ranch equipment, motor vehicles, lawn maintenance equipment and supplies, antiques, books, emergency supplies, seasonal & regional goods, fuel, auto parts, medical supplies, or similar


You provide a service

Your phone rings but there is an unsure and noncommittal potential customer on the other end. You wonder if you’ll be able to keep yourself and your few employees busy this week. You need steady bookings but don’t like to get booked too far out in case of emergency calls. You need people to know and like you, before they even call so that you can earn their trust easily and have a customer for life.

You build things

Some jobs take a day and some take months. You may need three customers one year and 25 the next to meet your sales goals and income needs. You may work alone or with a few employees. You need customers who are willing to wait for their build by you. You need them to trust you’re working towards their project and that once you get to it that you will deliver an amazing build.

You create or design

You love sharing your creations or learning about someone and making something just for them. Your art speaks for itself, but who buys if nobody knows it exists. And what happens when things are tight for your customers and they can only afford one of the two creatives they normally purchase from. Are you top of mind? Have you branded but haven’t marketed? Because I know you’ll be a genius brand creator but how are you doing on sharing your work with the world or at least your town?

You take care of

You spend all day looking after others. You’re struggling to take care of yourself some weeks, let alone take care of your business. You possibly may need to stop trading time for money more than anyone else on this list. Your work is physically and mentally draining. You need a brand that is working for you while you’re off being a real life superhero.

You fix things

Your schedule is complicated because you have booked dates and emergency calls. It’s a scheduling nightmare some weeks, but at the end of the day if you don’t have people calling you aren’t in business. You spend a lot of time in close quarters or private spaces of your customers fixing their homes, cars, etc.. If they could know and trust you before they need your help it would go a long way.

You're a product shop or restaurant owner 

You’re working rather people are coming in to buy or not. You have overhead costs galore and you can’t keep the experience and products fresh if you don’t have a healthy and steady customer base. You signed up for an “all in” approach and you need a branding and marketing plan to match.


I was you, I am you

And I want to give you a hand

Drew & Laney Snider

Ruby Branch Farms, Franklin, KY

Kayla was a huge help for us when we were starting our YouTube channel. She really helped us hone in on who we wanted to be on our channel and gave us the confidence to continue. She is an absolute wealth of knowledge on branding and marketing yourself and your business. Her help feels like a friend that really wants you to succeed - because she really does!

Over the years we’ve heard that
Many people relate to Austin

They are welders, carpenters, electricians, and alike who like to spend their time building things and working with their hands

But Austin will tell you that he wouldn’t be in business without Kayla

What that really means is he wouldn’t be in business without intentional branding and marketing.

So.... if you don’t have a Kayla
or you’re Kayla isn’t a marketing nerd by trade.
This may sound kind of strange, but
now you basically have direct access to her brain


And by her I mean me


Hi, it’s me. I’m the one who’s writing this

because it’s what I do around here. *in my best singing voice*

Let me introduce myself now that I've brought my brain into the chat.

I’m the brand manager and all-around behind-the-scenes gal of AROSSWELDING. I should probably add that I also help market my family's homegrown beef which is how I really tested my marketing skills going from a fully online world to a truly local only business. I’m a nerd for branding and obsessed with keeping up with the latest marketing dos and don’ts. I love small towns and small businesses and believe that the towns and people in them are the true heartbeat of our America. I grew up around agriculture but don’t have a small business background so I’ve stumbled my way through being a business owner. We have bootstrapped every part of our business trying to do it debt free and learn as we grow. In fact, I’ve spent thousands on courses just like this over the years which is why I know this model works. We’ve made so many mistakes and are still learning every day but branding and marketing has been our bread and butter. The thing that I latched onto early on and our business has found success because of it and our wonderful community. If you’re here I imagine we are kindred spirits. I’d love to sit down across a table from you with a good drink (my fav is Coke) and talk shop, but since we are all so busy I’m excited to share what I know in a way that you can access whenever is good for you.

Here's to beautiful branding, intentional marketing, and the future success you're sure to have!


But you may still have a few questions.


How to Sign Up and Start

Step 1: Click any of the enrollment buttons on this page and pick out your payment option. That will take you to the checkout page.

Step 2: At checkout, you will enter your email address and create a password for your account.

Step 3: Log in to your account here at arosswelding.school. Visit the “My Courses” tab. Find Boomtown Your Business Course and click “open program”. Click on the first lesson to start. When you come back you can click “resume course” to jump to where you last left off.

I know that for most people who work with their hands for a living, sitting down to a workbook and hashing out colors, fonts, and marketing strategy isn’t your cup of tea.

However, it’s time to grab the reins, get on offense, and invest your time into something that’s working while you’re doing other things.

I’m not the first person to tell you that intentional branding and marketing your business is important. 

You wouldn’t be here if your gut didn’t think it’s something you need to be doing.

I’m not really into hand-holding, but I do believe in teaching a man to fish.

Because I think gatekeeping our experience is something that needs to stop.

The moment we let our pride go and learn from someone else is the moment we get to take a leap not just a step. 

Sure, many before you and after you survived, and fed their family without so much as a logo or a cent invested in marketing, but did they thrive? Did the business meet its potential?

I can teach you to be the general contractor of your brand.

You learn the do’s and don’t.

You decide what you’ll DIY and what you’ll hire out

Then you’ll get to work and build something beautiful

Some will even say irresistible!

Or you could wait and continue on like you’ve been going.




The Boomtown Your Business Course is only half complete. We are offering the completed Branding Module and will later offer the Marketing Modules to be purchased separately.


So get a head start on your 2025 marketing efforts and fully brand your business.

It's so much more than a name and logo. If you're a craftsman I can almost garantee that few others in your area are doing this right. Stand out in the crowd with your branding and make yourself and your business known to the folks who are ready to hire you.

See Details Then Checkout with code FALL24 for 20% OFF